A Poll: How Many E-Mail Addresses Do You Have?

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In another totally meaningless, but I am curious about it polls, comes the question of how many e-mail addresses do you have? I believe I about six or seven, which I am starting to think is kind of ridiculous. I actively use two accounts and the rest?  Meh. I rarely even look at them.  They are SO old and get only spam (well I think that’s all they get anyway), but I just can’t delete them.  I can’t.

So I am curious, is this normal?  Or am I the only crazy one with a billion e-mail accounts?  And also, does your spouse / significant other know your e-mail password?  I know B’s (*), however I don’t think he knows mine.  I actually should probably tell him just in case he needs it.  For whatever reason (listen you just never know).

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(*) Which worked out well because on a complete whim I checked it before our cruise last Spring to check on the dog’s reservations at the pet resort only to find out that the dogs were not up to date on their shots and wouldn’t be able to be boarded unless we fixed that.  Oops.  B clearly does not read his e-mail.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 36 Comments

  1. Sabrina foust

    I have my personal email and my work email, that’s it. I used to have others, but let them expire.

    1. Jennifer

      Maybe someone mine have expired? That’d be okay!

  2. Shawn

    So funny-I literally just read this on a friend’s Facebook post: “In marriage, secrets are as dangerous as lies. Be open and transparent. Share passwords to phones and facebook. No part of your life should be off limits to your spouse.”

    I’m not sure how I feel about that advice. I personally don’t know my husband’s passwords, and he doesn’t know mine and yet we are solid. There’s something about the anonymity of certain social networking sites that appeals to me and keeps me from sharing them. I have a twitter profile that no one I actually know in “real” life follows me from. I just like to throw out whatever off the wall comment occurs to me, not looking for a hook-up or even a reply. With an androgynous name like “Shawn”, no one ever really knows my gender—and that’s half the fun! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      I’m more worried about if something were to happen to me! He may need if access something in there?? I might know his Facebook password too. Unless that’s different now? Lol.

  3. Diana Garza

    I have around 6-7 email addresses and actively check 2 – if I’m bored I’ll check my other emails but, it’s mainly for junk or to sign up for online contests, etc.

    1. Jennifer

      You gotta check those other ones for winner alerts!

  4. I have 5+ but 3 that I use regularly (my personal, my work and my blog) we share our passwords but don’t regularly read each others email or go on our FB accounts. I think people who share accounts (like one FB account with both their names on it lol) are strange (although whatever works for them)

    1. Jennifer

      I should share a FB with my husband. He’s always posting his workouts there. Maybe someone would think I was actually at the gym ;).

  5. Ashley

    My husband knows my phone password, and I know his. The rest are too complicated to tell him, but with my phone he can look at anything(facebook, emails, text, ect) and vice versa.

    1. Jennifer

      I saw my husband putting in a password in his iPad yesterday and was like wait, what’s the password? He said it was a secret and then we both laughed when I guessed it on the first try.

  6. Karen

    I probably have six that are active, including work. With Gmail and yahoo you can link inboxes, so it makes them easier to track. One of the reasons is I have separate emails for eBay, Skydrive, and resumes, so I can share them without worrying about my main mailboxes.

    1. Jennifer

      You sound like you are much more organized than I am with your inboxes!

  7. Stephanie T

    I only have two, but I think email addresses are a little like phone lines. I only have two email addresses, work and home. But even though I rarely use my home phone number, I still keep it since I don’t want all those insurance, fundraising, credit card offers, etc. calls coming to my cell phone. It used to cost me over $80 per month for that convenience, but I’m now using my cable provider for phone too and it’s only about $20 a month. I think people use email accounts in the same way.

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t even have a home phone. i need to get one eventually though I suppose. I think I dumped mine about 10-12 years ago? I never used it because yeah, the only people that called it were telemarketers!

  8. ashley g

    I have two personal. One which I use consistently because I have had it forever. When I got married I made another email since my first had my maiden name in it, but I hardly use it. Then I have a work email. My husband and I know each other’s passwords. There have been times when we needed to use it for whatever reason. I have nothing on my accounts to hide from my husband and vice versa. We just know around birthday and christmas times to avoid looking at each others computers all together so we don’t ruin the surprise.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL! That is a good plan!

  9. K

    I have three active ones, one grownup FristnameLastname one I rarely remember to use, and two or three really old ones I never use. The first four all forward to one box, so I see everything from them. I now only give out the address that matches my blog name or the FirstnameLastname one, but the others still get an occasional email and I’m too lazy to remedy that by contacting the sender/changing my info on a website. The first four are Gmail, and I have a Hotmail plus a few old Yahoos.

    1. K

      My husband and I know each other’s passwords for most social media, just for convenience.

      1. Jennifer

        I do believe I have logged into my husband’s Facebook before? I’m unsure why though. Probably something dumb like to get a coupon??

    2. Jennifer

      Wait I think I still have a hotmail. Chalk one more e-mail up for me.

  10. Alexia561

    I currently have four, but used to have more. I only really use two of them, but can’t bring myself to get rid of the other two! As for passwords, not only does DH not know any of my online passwords, he doesn’t even know my laptop sign-in or password! There’s no reason for him to be poking around my accounts… Maybe I’ll write them down and put in one of those “Open in case I die” envelopes, but otherwise, I’m not telling! 😉

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!!!!!!!!! I don’t even know what my husband would look for in my accounts. He’d be bored!

  11. Jean Marmion

    I am totally like you with the email accounts – I have 8 (WHY???) but I won’t get rid of them. I don’t even know why I have that many. Two are work accounts but the rest are personal. Two of them feed into my main account . . . I put them on “forward” but for some reason I just can’t delete the others. Stupid, I know . . . It’s my OCD!
    And regarding passwords, I agree, especially with your business, that your password should be somewhere where B could access it if he needed it. You just never know. I think if you need to keep it from your spouse you are most likely hiding something or thinking of hiding something . . . but I’m totally suspicious of everyone LOL! Great question!

    1. Jennifer

      Thank goodness someone has more accounts than I do! I don’t know what I have all those either. I just cannot delete them. You never do know! What if someone I knew 15 years ago needs to e-mail me?

  12. Chrissy

    I have an email that I use for work, a personal email, and one I use for just spam/crap/to tryout websites. I had one for school and another personal one, but both of those have been closed for years.

    1. Chrissy

      Also, my SO has been told my passwords, but doesn’t remember them or use them. I know his and he asks me to check them because he never does lol I’m paranoid about him not being able to access things if something happens, so I’ve told him all the passwords but also have them written down (although he has probably forgotten where they are!)

      1. Jennifer

        This. I am sure I have told my husband mine a million times. Does he care? No.

    2. Jennifer

      THat seems like a reasonable number!

  13. Melissa B

    I have two email accounts I actively check- maiden name (yahoo) & married name (hotmail). Then a gmail one that most of my junk goes to…I have an old work one & my original email which is a stupid name I could never give out now (it was a juno account!). So, I have 3 but technically 5 (or 6 cause I’m probably forgetting one).

    If my husband had my email password then he would know exactly how much I order online 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!!! I actually still do have some “maiden name” accounts as well!

  14. Bethany

    When email first got big all those years ago, I made it a mission to get as many email address as possible. Totally weird, I know. I’m down to around 6 or 7, as well, and they all have a purpose, though I only keep 4 linked to my iPhone, so I guess the others are mostly junk. My husband and I do share passwords, mostly just because it’s convenient if I need something in one of his accounts!

    1. Jennifer

      I only have two on my phone. I should just pretend I have two e-mails!

  15. Tellula

    Weird question, but why would your significant other need access to your email/social media? People keep saying in case of emergency, but what emergency would necessitate access to a facebook account?

    1. Jennifer

      I was thinking if I died or there was something huge going on! At least he could go in and delete that Facebook account!

  16. Mrs. L

    Crap I checked the 2-3 but realize with work I have more than that. We have a general work email then I have one as a manager.

    I have an email address that’s under my husbands domain which I check now and then. It’s there “just in case”. I’m not adverse to having more email and have actually thought about it…dividing between friends, subscriptions, cpns etc.

    I have two regular email addresses. One for friends and important stuff and then one that I use whenever I sign up for anything. I consider that my “junk” email box but I get Michaels cpns sent there, information about subscriptions…anytime I’m asked to “sign up” for something, I use that email. It’s really easy for me to go in every morning and clear it out and only answer or look at stuff that I want. Some days I look at all the sales going on all over and some days I’m just too busy so I trash it without looking.

    1. Jennifer

      See you have more than 5 too!!!! I just feel like maybe I need them all? But I know I don’t.

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