Friday’s Letters

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Dear Morning, Why do you have to come so soon? Getting up early (i.e. before 9am) sucks. I’ve been seeing much more of you lately and you are making me tired. But I *think* homeschooling would make me even more tired, so we’re going to stick with getting you early for school ;).

Dear Starbucks, I’d really love it if you built a location between our house and L’s school.

Dear Chilly Weather, I think I love you. I know it’s not going to last, but right now that chill in the air is amazing. I love having my windows open at night and being all curled up in my warm bed.

Dear Mom, Happy Birthday!!!!!

Dear Target, Do you miss me? I haven’t seen you in ages. I hope that next time I come visit you will have all of your Halloween goodies out for me to stalk and take notes on for 90% off clearance time!

Dear L, I am highly entertained by the thought of you and a bunch of other 5 year-olds sitting together at lunch – in the cafeteria – with no adults at your table. I have a fairly good idea how the rest of the day goes, but lunch? That’s a total mystery. Oh and L, you know you should eat your sandwich first right?

Dear Baxter and Buddy, I swear you’ll be getting haircuts soon. I know you don’t really enjoy them (well you do Baxter), but you are such fluffy messes!

Dear Houseguests, Thank you for getting Amanda out. THANK YOU!  Oh and Gina Maria, I had forgotten about your nastiness.  I am not rooting for you anymore.  That was strictly a one day thing.

Dear WB, Those long naps you’ve been taking this week?  I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but I’m loving them!  Perhaps I am just boring and you miss your brother? No matter.  Keep it up little man!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Nicole

    Gm made some crazy comments!! I periodically read a big brother blog that reports things that happen on big brother after dark…and yea she’s just as crazy as Aaryn and Amanda. Mccrae had terrible nominations also.. Clearly he was not the brains behind ,Mcranda. Yesterday my target didn’t have fall stuff up, they better soon.

  2. Jenny

    long naps? What are these long naps that you speak of. LOL I wish C would take a long nap but I’m just happy that he is still napping. N had already dropped them by now an dI so need that break every afternoon.

    Lunch has me so confused. They have a system here that there is no talking for the first 5 minutes so that the kids at least start to eat. N much be doing something since he does get through most of his food and all of his snack each day. Doesn’t really make a difference though since he comes home starving.

  3. Jasmine @ Two Boys and Me

    I have to say I’m super excited about the cooler weather. I love fall. I love being able to wear hoodies and my boots.

  4. Jaclyn Paskow

    Have you see the new collaboration between Target and Philip Lim? They have the cutest bags… September 15!

  5. Mrs. L

    The reason there isn’t a Starbucks between school and you is that all the mojo was used up putting a Starbucks on Main Street in Disneyland. I know purists will be horrified but I’m thankful that I can now get a decent cup of coffee at the Happiest Place on Earth that will get me through that 16th hour at the park!

  6. Jess

    I hope Julie Chen calls GM out like she did Aaron. They are both disgusting and so ignorant.

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